Forums - Dasrik offers MvC2 Assist Training Show all 49 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Dasrik offers MvC2 Assist Training ( Posted by Dasrik on 03:05:2001 01:48 PM: No, this isn't a way to sucker you into eating my flames - seriously. :P I just figured, a game that was supposedly all about assists, I'd do some teaching on how, why, when and where assists should be used - I may not be top tweer, but I see a lot of play. I see some odd assists being used somewhat effectively and I see the maximum bullshit that the top assists provide for you. So please ask your questions and I will answer them as nicely as possible. I promise! Posted by Kouryuken on 03:05:2001 02:23 PM: As a beginner, if I used Cable, Cyclops, and Omega Red. I personally don't pull out any of them to assist me except for cable with his Viper beam, should there be any specific times that I use it? I try to use it like when im jumping in and kicking... I have no real strategy's, I'm trying to get better but right now all I know how to do is just jump>kick>mash buttons> call assist character and repeat... And can you tell me who is a great assist character for setting up your opponent into a combo or super? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:05:2001 09:21 PM: Which assists stop triangle jump cross-ups? Jin-AAA, what else? BTW, excellent topic, just what I need. Thanx -DFA Posted by Manic on 03:06:2001 12:52 AM: Kouryuken- use cyclops AAA and try to catch them with it and if you do jump up and do an AHVB you could even cancel that into the MOB after cyclops get off the screen if you wanted to. Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 03:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kouryuken: As a beginner, if I used Cable, Cyclops, and Omega Red. I personally don't pull out any of them to assist me except for cable with his Viper beam, should there be any specific times that I use it? I try to use it like when im jumping in and kicking... I have no real strategy's, I'm trying to get better but right now all I know how to do is just jump>kick>mash buttons> call assist character and repeat... On most teams, you'd want to use B-Cable's anti-air assist instead of A-Cable - but you have Omega Red on your team, who really benefits from having a beam to at least clear a path for him to do Omega Strikes. With OR, a strategy that is both mindless and somewhat effective to start is to call A-Cable then do a retracted Omega Strike (qcf+lk, b+lk to pull back). It builds meter quickly, takes out the opponent's helpers, and is totally safe under most circumstances. quote: Originally posted by Kouryuken: And can you tell me who is a great assist character for setting up your opponent into a combo or super? With Cable, B-Cyclops is a good way to set the opponent up into the AHVB. A-Omega Red also works OK to set the opponent up for an air combo, but you have to learn where the opponent will fly. Assists should be less used to set the opponent up for supers and more to support your character's strategy. However, if you really want a combo helper, I suggest either Y-Sentinel (the drones) or Y-Akuma (hurricane kick), both which hold your enemy for a good long time. quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: Which assists stop triangle jump cross-ups? Jin-AAA, what else? B-Jin is hands down the best way to defeat a triangle jump-happy player. Other helpers that work will cover the area above you to hit the opponent out of the air. Helpers that work for this purpose are: Y-Sentinel - the drones move from air to ground, so if someone is triangle jumping on you, the drones will A-Doom - Personally, B-Doom has a million more uses than A-Doom, but the photon shot will cover the trouble zones diagonally above and behind you, so it's useful to prevent triangle jumps if you predict it coming. B-Captain Commando - Unless you're cornered, you can use B-CapCom somewhat effectively to counter triangle jumps as long as you backdash while calling him. -- If anyone has more questions, please ask. Posted by yellow press on 03:06:2001 03:50 AM: what assits go well with ironman i use cable and blackhart as the other team meambers any suggestions on who i should use. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:06:2001 04:36 AM: Thx, Dasrik. y-Sent is a staple on many of my teams anyway. I didn't think the assist was fast enough to do on reaction, and still get the hit. Will try, though. Now, can you find me something useful about any of Anakaris' assists? Let's call the team ?-Anakaris/y-Sentinel/b-Blackheart. (and, yeah, I know this isn't a tourney team...well, maybe opening rounds) OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 05:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by yellow press: what assits go well with ironman i use cable and blackhart as the other team meambers any suggestions on who i should use. In this case, you're going to probably want to use B-Iron Man. The Repulsor Blast works out nicely as immediate anti-air and sets up Cable's AHVB, plus if you get in a c.short with Cable, you can call Iron Man in the middle of your combo to pull them in for hideous damage. The Repulsor Blast is the most damaging assist in the game (removing 40% of your life if you get them with all the hits). With Blackheart, you're going to want to call B-Iron Man to cover your anti-air while using A-Cable to keep them occupied on the ground while you hurl your demons safely. quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: Thx, Dasrik. y-Sent is a staple on many of my teams anyway. I didn't think the assist was fast enough to do on reaction, and still get the hit. Will try, though. On reaction, Y-Sentinel might be too slow and you might have to block before he comes out. However, if you keep calling him on Magneto, triangle jumping will not be an option for your opponent. The best thing to do here is to try to put some distance between yourself and Mags so you can call Sentinel without having to worry about blocking anything. quote: Now, can you find me something useful about any of Anakaris' assists? Let's call the team ?-Anakaris/y-Sentinel/b-Blackheart. (and, yeah, I know this isn't a tourney team...well, maybe opening rounds) I'm no Anakaris player, but in this team I'm thinking that the assist you'll want to use is Beta. Use Sentinel to fly over their head and then call Anakaris. If they duck to escape the hands, they'll eat Sentinel foot; stand up, and they'll get thrown, and you can land and do HSF immediately. Viscant tells me the best way to play Karis is with B-Cyclops. That way, you can potentially kill the player if they get hit by Gene Splice; do a short combo ending in the curse, then call Cyke on them again and repeat. I'll see how well this works on Friday, though. -- Keep questions coming. [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by Orochi Spiral on 03:06:2001 05:32 AM: With BH/Doom, first off, Cable/ Cyc question. I know Cyc has a better assist for BH, and I'm wondering whether Cable's AAA can be used if not AS effectively, then at least moderately as well. For Cable, how the hell do I use Doom and BH's assists with him? I'm a total Cable scrub and am having a bitch of a time learning, mainly b/c I'm so far behind the curve at this point, I don't get much time on the machine before I'm dead already. =) Thanks in advance. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the, love under will. If nothing is true, then everything is permitted. Posted by anna williams on 03:06:2001 05:48 AM: can you give me any tips for my psylock,iron man,sentinel team. i would like to know the ways to play this team very well and be a very hard opponent for peeps in tournaments. also who are the best charectors to use with black heart. he is my favorite charector in the game. thanks for any help you guys have to give me and God bless. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:06:2001 07:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: [B] I'm no Anakaris player, but in this team I'm thinking that the assist you'll want to use is Beta. Use Sentinel to fly over their head and then call Anakaris. If they duck to escape the hands, they'll eat Sentinel foot; stand up, and they'll get thrown, and you can land and do HSF immediately. Viscant tells me the best way to play Karis is with B-Cyclops. That way, you can potentially kill the player if they get hit by Gene Splice; do a short combo ending in the curse, then call Cyke on them again and repeat.[B] Hopefully you'll forgive me if this is off topic, but how can you get the curse into the air combo? I've tried without luck, and I can't find an explanation anywhere on this site. Maybe you can point me in the right direction? Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 07:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Orochi Spiral: With BH/Doom, first off, Cable/ Cyc question. I know Cyc has a better assist for BH, and I'm wondering whether Cable's AAA can be used if not AS effectively, then at least moderately as well. Players hold that B-Cable is the best way to have him for a Blackheart team. I disagree - I think A-Cable is the way to go. Why? If Blackheart drops A-Cable then jumps, the opponent won't be able to use an assist of his own to keep BH out. Especially useful if you face an opponent with a B-CapCom or B-BH assist. But B-Cable has its benefits too, since it serves as genuine anti-air, you can combo Inferno XX HOD off of it, and you can counter with Psimitar XX AHVB. But as a Blackheart user, I maintain that A-Cable is the best choice for him. quote: For Cable, how the hell do I use Doom and BH's assists with him? I'm a total Cable scrub and am having a bitch of a time learning, mainly b/c I'm so far behind the curve at this point, I don't get much time on the machine before I'm dead already. =) Thanks in advance. Cable/Blackheart can trap decently by using the BH assist while shooting his fierce and canceling into viper beam or grenade. As for Cable/Doom, I recommend you go to the Multimedia section of SRK and download any tournament video with Nyte in it. quote: Originally posted by anna williams: can you give me any tips for my psylock,iron man,sentinel team. i would like to know the ways to play this team very well and be a very hard opponent for peeps in tournaments. Well this isn't exactly the place to ask questions on strategy, but I'll do what I can under the limits I have. The best order and assist types for this team, IMO, is A-Iron Man/Y-Sentinel/A-Psylocke. Use IM to build meter and guard the ground with smart bombs, and safe switch by doing Proton Cannon XX HSF whenever a helper shows his face. Having A-Psylocke in the back has the added benefit of allowing you to do the above mentioned safe switch even after having just called for an AAA. quote: also who are the best charectors to use with black heart. he is my favorite charector in the game. There are four great Blackheart assists: * B-Cyclops. Use this to set up the infamous EC rushdown Blackheart - jump with short -> forward and call Cyke when you land. If he connects, Inferno XX HOD. If blocked, do it again. You can also play typical sj.rh Blackheart in this fashion as well. * B-Doom. BH/Doom can put a corkscrew in rushdown by jumpback fierce + Doom assist. Plus it chips so well, and gives Blackheart more ground freedom. * A-Cable. As said above, A-Cable can be called before you begin your jump attempts - that way, you don't have to worry about helpers. * B-Commando. IMHO Commando is better than Cyke because it gives you full screen coverage in front of Blackheart while he retreats. Plus, comboing Inferno XX HOD off of Commando is fairly simple as well. quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: Hopefully you'll forgive me if this is off topic, but how can you get the curse into the air combo? I've tried without luck, and I can't find an explanation anywhere on this site. Maybe you can point me in the right direction? Wish I could help, but unfortunately, I'm not a Karis user so I'm not sure. I know that Viscant tells me that it's possible. I'll ask him next time I talk to him... -- Thanks for the questions. More! [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by mercenary on 03:06:2001 07:47 AM: ok, i basically use sentinal, captcom, and blackheart. is this a good team with good assist? Posted by ThugginPinoy on 03:06:2001 08:16 AM: what'z the best #3 character/assist. in a sent/bh trap? IMO, jin'z typhoon assist. helpz A LOT. bh on point, jin'z typhoon assist. hitz X inferno to HOD. can you roll out of that man? w/sent on point, i think you can launch if jin'z typhoon assist. hitz. oh, w/bh, inferno to HOD DHC to jin'z typhoon sure. doez hella damage. i have cable'z projectile assist. to keep my opponentz ass pinned down on the ground. should i change cable'z to AAA? i love that sent/bh trap. thankz for offering your help, peace. Posted by WHOCares? on 03:06:2001 09:14 AM: What's Up Dasrik, you remember me from the 'ol GPOW boards? Anyway, I'm a normal Rogue player, but I've rarely used her Throw assist.(Normally pick her AAA) I've heard great things about it, like surprising an opponent that has you trapped in the corner, but how can you properly utilize this assist away from the corner. Thanks in advance! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:06:2001 11:20 AM: What's the best assist for safely punishing the opponent's helper, once you've lured them into whiffing with it? For simplicity, we'll say that my point character is Blackheart. Also, do you ever take into consideration what the character's counter is, or isn't it important enough? ok, I'M OUT. -DFA [This message has been edited by DeathFromAbove (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by mastermind on 03:06:2001 02:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: The Repulsor Blast is the most damaging assist in the game (removing 40% of your life if you get them with all the hits). I could most likely be wrong, but isn't Tron Bonne's Projectile(Gamma) assist the strongest in the game? Doesn't all 3 hits of her assist connect for a total of nearly 50%? I've seen her put to some good use with a teleport happy Strider and I've been witness to someone getting sandwiched between a Tron assist and a Strider aerial rave...close to 75% damage on a machine set to normal damage. Just curious. Dah well, since I'm here, might as well go back on topic. Okay, is there any exact timing for calling out Doom for the Strider trap? I've been getting pushblocked out of my setups each and everytime and Doom ends up eating AHVBx__. Is there anything I should be doing to cover any holes made by pushblocking? ------------------------ I've found the difference between us: you just suck. Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 03:06:2001 03:40 PM: Mastermind - Strider/Doom is one of my areas of expertise. If you call doom always try to teleport behind opponent whenever possible. that way they can't get to him. Another less-reliable way is to only call doom when u got the orbs activated and tossing out rings so they don't have enough respite from blocking to ahvb. While doing the strider doom trap never EVER toss out a Fierce or RH, simply because if the opponent push blocks you when you are doing one of those moves there is simply not enough time for you to get close to them again even using teleport, you cant get close. If your opponoent push blocks the standing Fierce or RH, you trap is pretty much broken. Dasrik- I have always picked strider B assist without questioning it but recently I've been thinking that maybe strider projectile might have more uses. Everyone says strider B is better but I barely use it to begin with because strider is weak and B assist leaves him on the screen for a LONG time. You think Gamma assist might have more practical purpose than B? Anyone can see strider B coming from a mile away, I dont think I've ever connected that particualr assist in serious play. The Y assist seems like it would be a free guard break, kinda like Sent Y. BTW the team I'm using for this purpose is Strider/Doom/Capcom. [This message has been edited by Mr. Smellypants (edited 03-06-2001).] Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 10:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by mercenary: ok, i basically use sentinal, captcom, and blackheart. is this a good team with good assist? Y-Sentinel/B-Blackheart/B-Captain Commando (Aka Team Watts) is a great team in general, but Cable has the potential to take this entire team out solo. It's still an interesting team to use. quote: Originally posted by ThugginPinoy: what'z the best #3 character/assist. in a sent/bh trap? IMO, jin'z typhoon assist. helpz A LOT. bh on point, jin'z typhoon assist. hitz X inferno to HOD. can you roll out of that man? w/sent on point, i think you can launch if jin'z typhoon assist. hitz. oh, w/bh, inferno to HOD DHC to jin'z typhoon sure. doez hella damage. i have cable'z projectile assist. to keep my opponentz ass pinned down on the ground. should i change cable'z to AAA? i love that sent/bh trap. thankz for offering your help, peace. Sentinel/Blackheart can almost stand on their own, and indeed, A-Jin is a fine assist. But with BH on your team, and the c.fierce xx rocket punch xx HSF combo, there's almost no real need for A-Jin. As I said above, B-CapCom gives you a more immediate anti-air option. Plus, A-Cable is also good because it means the team doesn't die totally to Cable. Basically, any good anchor works. quote: Originally posted by WHOCares?: What's Up Dasrik, you remember me from the 'ol GPOW boards? Anyway, I'm a normal Rogue player, but I've rarely used her Throw assist.(Normally pick her AAA) I've heard great things about it, like surprising an opponent that has you trapped in the corner, but how can you properly utilize this assist away from the corner. Thanks in advance! Yeah, I remember you. Weren't you the one with all the Morrigan icons? Anyway, Y-Rogue's a handy weapon to fight turtlers with. She comes out surprisingly quickly and sets your opponent up to take nutty damage on the followup. It's definitely her best assist - the other two are rather slow. quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: What's the best assist for safely punishing the opponent's helper, once you've lured them into whiffing with it? For simplicity, we'll say that my point character is Blackheart. Well, A-Storm works, as does any beam assist. The problem is Blackheart can't helper punish worth a damn. quote: Also, do you ever take into consideration what the character's counter is, or isn't it important enough? The counter comes in very handy sometimes, s'long as you know when to call it and what you can do with it. ie. B-Cable can use his Psimitar to counter a beam move and then immediately cancel into AHVB to smack his opponent. Whereas A-Cable is more likely to trade. Y-Magneto can also use his counter in a variety of ways, canceling into an EM Disruptor or Hyper Grav if necessary (Y-Magneto owns). quote: Originally posted by mastermind: I could most likely be wrong, but isn't Tron Bonne's Projectile(Gamma) assist the strongest in the game? Doesn't all 3 hits of her assist connect for a total of nearly 50%? I've seen her put to some good use with a teleport happy Strider and I've been witness to someone getting sandwiched between a Tron assist and a Strider aerial rave...close to 75% damage on a machine set to normal damage. Just curious. Y-Tron's the 2nd most damaging (maybe 3rd - I never really tested War Machine's Repulsor Blast), and damage wise is very close, plus you're more likely to get all the hits. I'm not totally sure of this, though... give me some time to find out. quote: Dah well, since I'm here, might as well go back on topic. Okay, is there any exact timing for calling out Doom for the Strider trap? I've been getting pushblocked out of my setups each and everytime and Doom ends up eating AHVBx__. Is there anything I should be doing to cover any holes made by pushblocking? Keep hurling donuts, and drop Doom when the orbs are about to end. Remember to teleport so that Doom is behind Cable (and thus un-AHVB-able). quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants: I have always picked strider B assist without questioning it but recently I've been thinking that maybe strider projectile might have more uses. Everyone says strider B is better but I barely use it to begin with because strider is weak and B assist leaves him on the screen for a LONG time. You think Gamma assist might have more practical purpose than B? Anyone can see strider B coming from a mile away, I dont think I've ever connected that particualr assist in serious play. The Y assist seems like it would be a free guard break, kinda like Sent Y. BTW the team I'm using for this purpose is Strider/Doom/Capcom. I think this is personal and depends a great deal on what you're fighting. B-Strider is a great counter assist. If your opponent is throwing beams haphazardly or doing something with a lot of recovery time that you can't punish usually, B-Strider will hit them and be safe basically. Plus it's a very good Counter for similar situations. Y-Strider gets you free guard breaks, and is useful for fighting airdashers and triangle jumpers. His Counter attack (the dog) is less useful, though, although it can be canceled into the orbs. Again, this depends on what you're fighting. Posted by Dasrik on 03:07:2001 02:18 AM: OK, I realize this is really lame, but I would really appreciate some more questions. So keep asking. Posted by logan's son on 03:07:2001 02:47 AM: ok , dasrik here's a q,i play cyc and capcom (both aaa) but i need a third charceter i play doom or cable sometimes but i dunno don't really like them i can play a mean cable but with doom for some reason i can't do the air photon shot repeatly!So i'm thinking of taking him out for..that's where u come in!i KNOW I shouldn't be playing cyc on point if i have cable in the group but i find cyc so much better than cable,i know all around cable is better but he feels stiff!So my q is what person should i put in cable.cyc and capcm or cyc,capcom and doom! oR IF U HAVE A DIFF. SUGG WHO? Posted by SmuvMoney on 03:07:2001 02:52 AM: I am not sure which assist is better for Colossus (a/B) or Hulk (a/B/y). I am thinking of using a Team Armor team (y-Sentinel/b-Juggernaut/Colossus_Hulk). I believe B-Colossus & y-Hulk are AAA but not near the level of CapCom or Doom AAA in terms of quality (I could be wrong here though ). However, for Hulk, each assist type yields a different DHC. I wasn't sure which way I should go on this. If I choose a dash assist for Hulk/Colossus, then I have no AAA to speak of, which could weaken the team (then again, without Sentinel, the team would be worthless IMHO ). Some advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Peace & God Bless, $muvMoney John 14:27 & Numbers 6:24 Posted by anna williams on 03:07:2001 03:59 AM: dasrik, regarding the question i asked about black heart what are the best slots to put the charectors in that you listed in your reply. Posted by Terazul on 03:07:2001 04:02 AM: Do you have any suggestions with using Jugg's as an assit? quote: All Your Base, Are Belong To Us Posted by Dasrik on 03:07:2001 05:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by logan's son: ok , dasrik here's a q,i play cyc and capcom (both aaa) but i need a third charceter i play doom or cable sometimes but i dunno don't really like them i can play a mean cable but with doom for some reason i can't do the air photon shot repeatly!So i'm thinking of taking him out for..that's where u come in!i KNOW I shouldn't be playing cyc on point if i have cable in the group but i find cyc so much better than cable,i know all around cable is better but he feels stiff!So my q is what person should i put in cable.cyc and capcm or cyc,capcom and doom! oR IF U HAVE A DIFF. SUGG WHO? OK, I didn't understand this question the first time, but I get it now. It's a tough call. Cable can do more with Cyclops but Doom can do more with Captain Commando. I'd have to pick Doom over Cable on this, though, because neither Cyclops or Captain Commando are good batteries. If you insist on this team, try using A-Cyke instead of B... you have overweighted AAA coverage, and the beam might come in handy. quote: Originally posted by SmuvMoney: I am not sure which assist is better for Colossus (a/B) or Hulk (a/B/y). I am thinking of using a Team Armor team (y-Sentinel/b-Juggernaut/Colossus_Hulk). I believe B-Colossus & y-Hulk are AAA but not near the level of CapCom or Doom AAA in terms of quality (I could be wrong here though ). However, for Hulk, each assist type yields a different DHC. I wasn't sure which way I should go on this. If I choose a dash assist for Hulk/Colossus, then I have no AAA to speak of, which could weaken the team (then again, without Sentinel, the team would be worthless IMHO ). Some advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Well, this team kinda has issues because, with one way, you have both Juggernaut and Colossus on your team, both meter hogs; the other way, you have Hulk who is deadweight for the most part without B-Doom. Sentinel/Juggernaut/B-Hulk have a team super that almost kills, but it won't work if your point character gets in the way. On the other hand, AAA is something you don't have to really worry about... Y-Sentinel serves that purpose for you. Possibly a better team for your purpose: Y-Magneto/A-Colossus/Y-Sentinel. quote: Originally posted by anna williams: dasrik, regarding the question i asked about black heart what are the best slots to put the charectors in that you listed in your reply. B-Blackheart/A-Cable/B-Cyclops... this team's pretty good because you can play BH to death and you still have Cable/Cyclops with a full stock of super meter. B-Blackheart/B-Doom/B-Cable... three powerful point combos, plus two work as good batteries. B-Blackheart/A-Iron Man/B-Commando... I feel this team is stronger and counters more characters than the above, but I may be wrong. I have yet to try it. Should be good on Cable. quote: Originally posted as Terazul: Do you have any suggestions with using Jugg's as an assit? I'll need more information... what's the rest of your team like? Usually B-Juggernaut is the best choice, but there are some places where A-Juggy might be handy. [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-06-2001).] Posted by Juggrknott on 03:07:2001 06:59 AM: I have a couple of assist-related queries I'd like to throw out there, if you don't mind... 1) The only character I play whose assist I'm not 100% settled on is Tron Bonne. I used Alpha (throw) for the longest, because I like the Lunch Rush triple and it sets up Gamma Waves and Headcrushes nicely. However, now that I've found out just how strong the Gamma (projectile) can be when it all gets in there, I'm thinking of switching. I hate the King Kobun for a triple, but I figure you can't have it all... So, which do you prefer, and why? 2) Which Captain America assist do you like the best, and why? I generally use the projectile for the Charging Star triple (besides, it's easier to protect him), but I'd like to see what you have to say. Thanks in advance for your response.....& thanks for the helpful thread. -Jugg Posted by Dasrik on 03:07:2001 01:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Juggrknott: 1) The only character I play whose assist I'm not 100% settled on is Tron Bonne. I used Alpha (throw) for the longest, because I like the Lunch Rush triple and it sets up Gamma Waves and Headcrushes nicely. However, now that I've found out just how strong the Gamma (projectile) can be when it all gets in there, I'm thinking of switching. I hate the King Kobun for a triple, but I figure you can't have it all... So, which do you prefer, and why? Well... I don't think a real case can be made for the value of A-Tron as an assist. It has a SMALL window of invincibility from which you can grab some attacks within her range. But A-Tron DOES have the Lunch Rush team super which is very good. However... Y-Tron just owns despite having a crappy team super. With Y-Tron you don't really need to worry that much about supers, though... just land Y-Tron for tremendo damage. quote: 2) Which Captain America assist do you like the best, and why? I generally use the projectile for the Charging Star triple (besides, it's easier to protect him), but I'd like to see what you have to say. Well, A-CapAm is, for the most part, not very useful. It's too slow to be a quick counter attack, and not slow enough to be used for pressure. And you get Hyper Charging Star with Y-CapAm, anyway, which is much more useful since it goes through projectiles. The startup is kinda slow, though. I suggest B-CapAm if your team has no anti-air on it, otherwise Y-CapAm. quote: Thanks in advance for your response.....& thanks for the helpful thread. Danke. Keep the questions coming. Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:07:2001 05:34 PM: Which assist do you think is best for Dan :P. Seriously however, what you say Dan AAA with the sometimes invinciblity, or the high priority Variety assist you can just throw out to occupy the enemy? "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by Dasrik on 03:08:2001 02:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Which assist do you think is best for Dan :P. Seriously however, what you say Dan AAA with the sometimes invinciblity, or the high priority Variety assist you can just throw out to occupy the enemy? I'm not really a Dan player, but I think that B-Dan is really the only real viable assist type he has. A-Dan can be crouched under, has no range, and really doesn't benefit you at all, and Y-Dan just stays on the screen way too long - about five FULL seconds before you can call another helper is unacceptable. Posted by anna williams on 03:08:2001 03:29 AM: thanks for the help dasrik Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:08:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Which assist do you think is best for Dan :P. Seriously however, what you say Dan AAA with the sometimes invinciblity, or the high priority Variety assist you can just throw out to occupy the enemy? I play Dan regularly, so hopefully you won't mind my butting in and answering this, Dasrik. Pick Gamma. Even though it stays out there for like a day and a half. It works in crossups (which is funny to watch), and Gamma counter is Dan's only viable counter. It also gives you Kouryuu Rekka for a team super, which is comboable, and safe, and lets your teammates supers connect in most instances. OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by Capcom_Presents on 03:08:2001 10:04 AM: Hey .I have a question if you don't mind to answer. What assist would best against a CABLE/BLACKHEART . . Cable -viper beam , and sometime i get caught in his AHVB. If i try to get close and corner damm BH assist would hit me Blackheart- AAA assist (i can't seem to get )ass this ,damm trap) B.B.HOOD- damm lateral flames thingy .can't get pass either. Sentinel - damm rocket punch Ice man - Damm ice beams So i want to know what assit would best to quickly punish the Blackheart/Cable assist, cause my oppoennt would viper beam with the Blackheart assit. I also try as i said earlier to get up close and not allow for my opnoent to call his helpers, but success is minimal. Could you help find a way to punish the Cable/Blackheart assist. My team i use Magneto - Project Assit Doom - Anit Air Assit Spiral - Project assit Ken - anit air Zangief - ground Servbot - Balance ( i think) I did have luck beating my oppoent with Spiral/Doom/Servbot due the immense chippin damage that servbot does. But cable would seriuosly hurt my spirl to near death, while he is still half way. Posted by AZER on 03:08:2001 10:24 AM: Is there a good assist to counter Cyclops AAA? Also which is the best AAA? Posted by mousseduck on 03:08:2001 12:04 PM: Hey, great thread. Now for some questions: I play Rogue, Cable, and Jin. I like to use rushdown techniques (especially since I use Rogue). My question is: With me playing rushdown, which assists are best for these three characters? I have a great projectile assist (Cable) two good anti-airs (Jin and Cable) and a awesome AHVB setup (Rogue's throw assist). What's the best setup for them? Posted by Dasrik on 03:08:2001 02:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove: I play Dan regularly, so hopefully you won't mind my butting in and answering this, Dasrik. Pick Gamma. Even though it stays out there for like a day and a half. It works in crossups (which is funny to watch), and Gamma counter is Dan's only viable counter. It also gives you Kouryuu Rekka for a team super, which is comboable, and safe, and lets your teammates supers connect in most instances. I still don't quite understand. Y-Dan does give you a great counter, but the assist is really horrid and the team super is actually Hisshou Burai Ken, which isn't that hot to trot damage-wise. B-Dan gives you Kouryuu Rekka. I still don't see any reason why you shouldn't pick B-Dan. quote: Originally posted by Capcom_Presents: So i want to know what assit would best to quickly punish the Blackheart/Cable assist, cause my oppoennt would viper beam with the Blackheart assit. I also try as i said earlier to get up close and not allow for my opnoent to call his helpers, but success is minimal. Could you help find a way to punish the Cable/Blackheart assist. Magneto can airdash to avoid the entire situation. Doom can either jump/superjump and airdash, or take the Blackheart hit and start calling photons. Spiral can just teleport and screw everything. Work from there. From what you're telling me, this Cable player is low class. You shouldn't have a big problem if you take my advice. quote: Originally posted by AZER: Is there a good assist to counter Cyclops AAA? Also which is the best AAA? Cammy and Ken counter Cyke if called at the same time, and practically anyone can counter him if called when you see him. There is no *Best* anti-air... depends on what you're going for. I went over this in a thread once, but here's a quick overview: B-CYCLOPS - Invincible frames, comboability (aircombo or super setup), space coverage, short range A-PSYLOCKE - Invincible frames, comboability (OTG/juggle setup), quick, rather short range A-CAMMY - Invincibile on the rise, powerful, no comboability. Bounces off of physical attacks. Good on Doom. B-CAPTAIN COMMANDO - No invincibility (except to some projectiles), but superb vertical range. No comboability. Good to supplement rushdowns. A-KEN - Totally invincible on the rise, but weak unless you get all the hits. Won't bounce from physical attacks like Cammy. Good on Strider/Doom and Blackheart. (As a sidenote, B-Akuma actually has startup period where it's not invincible, contrary to what I've said before.) B-BLACKHEART - Not good as immediate anti-air, but will track the enemy and cover space for a long time. B-JIN - Invincible, hits from all sides, potential for combo, powerful. Weak on point. These seven probably make up the most dominant AAAs you'll see (I don't consider Doom's an AAA, and Cable's usually just there because he has to be). There are other AAAs with their own uses, but you don't see them as often. I hope this helps you. quote: Originally posted by mousseduck: I play Rogue, Cable, and Jin. I like to use rushdown techniques (especially since I use Rogue). My question is: With me playing rushdown, which assists are best for these three characters? I have a great projectile assist (Cable) two good anti-airs (Jin and Cable) and a awesome AHVB setup (Rogue's throw assist). What's the best setup for them? Well, barring the issues this team has with keepaway and turtlers, I'm going to suggest using Y-Rogue/A-Cable/B-Jin for this team. Cable's beam assist is more helpful than his anti-air here - B-Jin is pretty much all you need as far as AAA goes. Try to do as much as you can with Rogue before switching her out with Cable, preferably via a DHC combo so you can get her in the back. Try not to use Jin too much on point. Jin without B-Doom, Y-Sentinel or a comparable rushdown vitamin is just asking for a heaping headache. [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-08-2001).] Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 03:08:2001 04:41 PM: Dasrik, to clarify- I don't know what you meant by "some projectiles" but Captain Commando AAA DOES have invincibility frames.(not a whole lot of em, but they are there) I use his assist a whole lot and if called at the same time as a AHVB or other sort of beam super, the corridor WILL trade hits and stop thier super. It DOES also have comboability which is only useful in special situations, which is what makes sent/bh/commando good. You combo inferno xx HOD off the corridor rather easily. Horizontal range is also great. Jin AAA is NOT invincible, it just has supreme high priority. A beam will hit him while he's in middle of doing dynamite and ken AAA will knock him out of it. It's not neccesarily powerful, the damage it does depends on the situation. If they are close to him when he does it, it will deal alot of damage. However, if they only get hit by the outer frames of the assist it will do less than block damage. God, thats like 5 posts by me glorifying commando in the span of 2 days. I better stop before everyone starts thinking I'm some sorta Captain Commando fanboy. =) Posted by Dasrik on 03:09:2001 01:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants: I don't know what you meant by "some projectiles" but Captain Commando AAA DOES have invincibility frames.(not a whole lot of em, but they are there) I use his assist a whole lot and if called at the same time as a AHVB or other sort of beam super, the corridor WILL trade hits and stop thier super. Yes, I've seen CapCom bust through an AHVB. I've also seem him stuffed by a Soul Fist before he comes out. So that's why I say 'some'. Right now, I'm leaning towards beam invincibility, although it seems like Viper Beam and Unibeam stop him too. Anyone have a clear answer? Fluffy? quote: It DOES also have comboability which is only useful in special situations, which is what makes sent/bh/commando good. You combo inferno xx HOD off the corridor rather easily. Horizontal range is also great. That's Blackheart, though. He can combo Inferno off of pretty much anything with enough stun regardless of how far it knocks the opponent. quote: Jin AAA is NOT invincible, it just has supreme high priority. A beam will hit him while he's in middle of doing dynamite and ken AAA will knock him out of it. I'm pretty sure he IS invincible while he's glowing white. quote: It's not neccesarily powerful, the damage it does depends on the situation. If they are close to him when he does it, it will deal alot of damage. However, if they only get hit by the outer frames of the assist it will do less than block damage. Ayy, really? Yuck. In any case, being hit by outer frames usually mean they get juggled like a launcher, so you can follow up with a quick air combo. quote: God, thats like 5 posts by me glorifying commando in the span of 2 days. I better stop before everyone starts thinking I'm some sorta Captain Commando fanboy. =) CapCom is really good. I'm actually glad to see him back - he's been MIA from the tournament scene for awhile. Posted by Mulligan on 03:09:2001 03:55 AM: OK earleir u said that the photon shock assist with doom has alot more uses than the AAA, its obviously not gonna take as much as the rocks but how can incorporate this in a team strat, i was thinking having capt. commando on point and calling the assist out and covering doom with his fireball if the opponent is on the ground and hit them with the corridor if they are in the air,this is jes a theory so can u tell me if t his will werk decently and if there is any other uses for the assist othen than preventing crossup Posted by StiltMan on 03:09:2001 04:46 AM: Jin is invincible while he's glowing. If he's called at the same time as Cammy or Ken, the other one will fly right past him without either of them taking damage (and if Cammy bounces off the point char in there, she'll actually lose this one). Jin actually isn't that bad if he's together with Rogue and Cable. I won't say that he's tournament quality, but if you don't have an assist that reliably cuts through the drills (and there are fewer of these than you might think... he'll often go past CapCom and miss the corridor, for instance) this team can create a headache in a big hurry. Jin has a ton of moves that can do a lot of damage off of Rogue-Y (whether it's a Blodia Vulcan or a Hyper Typhoon, either one of which can do about 50% damage), and if he's also got Cable-A cutting a road for him he can rush pretty well. Then there's the little glitch where, if he Blodia Punches your helper, you often can't block it with the point char either. Now that I've gone and crowed about how great that team is, here's what breaks it. If you're going to play Rogue, it's my opinion that Doom and Cable are basically necessary to put behind her. Doom is necessary because, once you do get close, you need a serious chip weapon behind her. (And the things Rogue can do with Doom's rocks and a speedup are just sick, sick, SICK... if your char gives her a speedup, she has Doom behind her, and that char isn't Strider or Storm, you lose for free. Even Strider is potentially in trouble... if she gets the opening she can easily match his chipping game head to head. The operative words there, though, are "if she gets the opening".) And Cable-B, IMO, is necessary as well, because her assist needs a point char in front that can exploit to its fullest, and she also needs altitude help in the worst way. Cable-B represents the best combination of both. So without Doom, Rogue has no chipping weapons, and with Cable-A and Jin-A as her assists she also has no help against altitude at all. Just about any team with good distance weaponry that doesn't have a bad matchup with Cable, that keeps on the ball, and puts Cammy-A in back ruins that whole team. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:09:2001 05:23 AM: (looking stupid) Sorry people. I gave the wrong name of the super above. It should be Hissou Burai Ken (thx Dasrik). I like it for team supers for the fact that it holds the opponent in place for the other two supers, guaranteeing full hits, in some cases, more than normal full hits. Oh, and about the cross-up thing, Dan is pretty much a joke, I didn't say it was good for competitive play. But the long startup time lets you get to the other side of the opponent, and then if they attack you they get whacked in the back by a flying autograph. It's not a trap, but you can actually combo off the autograph if it hits. OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by WHOCares? on 03:09:2001 05:30 AM: Thanks for the Rogue tip Dasrik. BTW, yeah I was the one with the Morri icons back at GPOW. Speaking of her... What character's assists can she benefit from the most. Some I learned either on my own or on SRK are: BH AAA Cyke AAA Doom AAA (then again, who doesn't benefit from this assist! ) Psylocke AAA Jin Exp. Gambit Proj. Rogue AAA or Throw Any you would add or take off the list??? Posted by BarrelO on 03:09:2001 05:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: Well this isn't exactly the place to ask questions on strategy, but I'll do what I can under the limits I have. The best order and assist types for this team, IMO, is A-Iron Man/Y-Sentinel/A-Psylocke. Use IM to build meter and guard the ground with smart bombs, and safe switch by doing Proton Cannon XX HSF whenever a helper shows his face. Having A-Psylocke in the back has the added benefit of allowing you to do the above mentioned safe switch even after having just called for an AAA. It's also worth noting that Psylocke-A is really good for setting up Iron Man's infinite. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by AZER on 03:09:2001 06:12 AM: Thank You Dasrik. Posted by *Magneto* on 03:09:2001 06:18 AM: Who has the best assist? Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by Shingro on 03:10:2001 03:24 AM: Hmm... the team I have now is not at all Tourny caliber, but I do have some assist questions to try to improve my game. So anyway, I'd like to know why they suck at tourny level, and if possible, what I can use to "fix" them (assist types, supporting charecters, etc.) My team is usually, Felicia/Jin/Hulk or Gambit (projectile) Felicia with her ground assist, Jin with expansion, Hulk with Dash... (yes I'd get stomped by good players, sad to say, there arn't any here, lets just say I've seen 2 cable players, and never seen them do a AHVB. So I can beat everyone around here ~_~) Anyway, I tend to cross-up and hit Jin's assist when flying over them, if it lands it holds them in place for so long that I can do just about whatever I want to them o_O Hulk shows up as a wake-up and his super armor helps against projectile happy ppl... I've been playing MvC2 with rushdown ever since the game came out, and have very good timing on assists, but I'm guessing in tourny level that just won't cut it. (I'd like to know why btw... what are these charecter's achillies heel?) Anyway, thoughts would be appriciated. Speed is the greatest power... especially when you have something to chase Posted by Dasrik on 03:12:2001 08:17 AM: Ok everyone, sorry for not answering your questions - I've been offline for a couple of days. I don't have a lot of time now, but I promise I will get to your questions as soon as I can. Danke. Posted by Dasrik on 03:12:2001 01:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by WHOCares?: What character's assists can she benefit from the most. Some I learned either on my own or on SRK are: BH AAA Cyke AAA Doom AAA (then again, who doesn't benefit from this assist! ) Psylocke AAA Jin Exp. Gambit Proj. Rogue AAA or Throw Any you would add or take off the list??? It depends on how you want to play Morrigan. A keepaway/meter building Morrigan definitely benefits from having B-Blackheart to pin the enemy to the ground while she throws fireballs. Rushdown oriented Morrigans need B-Doom so she can jab DP safely, and so she can drop him behind the opponent when she chooses to stomp. B-Cyke helps too (so she can put Darkness Illusion in an AC), but I think she's better off using A-Storm to combo the Soul Eraser. A-Psylocke can be followed up with a low short, but Morrigan can't do much damage in an AC. It's better to have strong characters backing Morrigan up - so I wouldn't suggest A-Gambit or A-Jin. quote: Originally quoted by Shingro: Felicia with her ground assist, Jin with expansion, Hulk with Dash I seriously think Jin is better served with an AAA here - B-Jin is a GREAT anti-rushdown assist. Other than that, I can't say much other than your team has the dubious distinction of beating Strider/Doom. -_- Posted by Mulligan on 03:13:2001 12:14 AM: Ok the achilles heel for felici, jin, hulk, and gambit, would be keepaway, Gambit would be the one character on ur team that can deal with some because of his cajun( the bounce of the wall special move) slash and he can keep trhowing jab kinetic cards in air to stay in air and away from a doom assist or somethign like that, but in the end the will all die to good spiral or good cable, too bad u dont have any of that there to test it out. Also dasrik jes incase u didnt see it the first the i would really like to know how u can make the doom photon shock asist usefull or more usefull than the AAA anyway?? Posted by Dasrik on 03:13:2001 03:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mulligan: Also dasrik jes incase u didnt see it the first the i would really like to know how u can make the doom photon shock asist usefull or more usefull than the AAA anyway?? A-Doom is NOT more useful than B-Doom. It only has certain purposes in counter teams (vs. Magneto, Storm, Blackheart maybe) and to supplement certain characters (Megaman and Spiral). Overall, I say, if you could switch assist types between matches, then A-Doom would be a lot more commonly seen, but since you have to commit to one type, B-Doom usually gets the action. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:27 PM. Show all 49 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.